If you're anything like me, you will know that it's going to rain, before it starts raining, and if for some reason you're in a basement or room without windows, and it's raining outside, even though you can't see, you will KNOW that it is indeed raining outside.
Rain is a really funny thing. It's so good for so much of the world. Whether it's watering the crops of farmers, providing water for people in a remote village, or giving children land filled with puddles to splash around and adventure in, if I may quote Luke Bryan here, "rain is a good thing." A good thing, but a very funny and highly irritating thing. How is it that something as simple as a change in the atmosphere can wreck so much havoc on our bodies? Why is something that's so good so bad?
I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that I'm not the only one who wants to crawl under 36382 blankets and watch old movies ALL day EVERY time it rains. Why is that? Why do our bodies feel the need to either shut down or wage a full out war over something as simple as a calm peaceful rainfall?
Rainbows don't only symbolize new life anymore, they aren't just a sign from one of God's many Old Testament covenants. Rainbows are a sign that maybe sometime soon, our bodies will begin to turn to "normal."
"The calm before the storm." More like the calm AFTER the storm.
In the world we live in, there is so much to be thankful for: a roof over your head, food to eat, a warm soft comfy bed to crawl into at night. We are surrounded by an overabundant amount of blessings. Blessings that we honestly don't deserve. We are lucky, luckier than most. While our bodies don't function the way we think they should, we don't have to worry about walking three miles just to get water (can you even imagine?), while many times the thought of food is enough to make us nauseous, we aren't starving. The big things. The big things are handled, and for the most part out of our control.
I've come to realize in life, that it's not the big things, it's the little things. Seeing that gorgeous butterfly floating gracefully through the air. Watching those baby birds take a bath in that puddle. Hearing a baby laugh. Watching clouds float by.
We live in a world of miracles. While our bodies aren't perfect... Never forget, you are a breathing, living, thriving MIRACLE. Don't stress about the big things. We can't change those. Search instead for the little things. Find those peaceful moments. Things will get better, they won't always be horrible. Good days. Bad days. They come and go. Patiently await the peace of the morning after it rains.